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Did Juno: We're Three Years In

Writer's picture: Did JunoDid Juno

It's hard to believe that three years ago — with a whole lot of hope, and a dream that was a lifetime in the making — Did Juno opened on January 22nd. It feels surreal, especially when looking back on everything that has happened within the last three years.

Each year feels less like a different chapter and instead a skip to a different timeline. This year, we tackled new, challenging, and exciting things. We met some of our favorite people, collaborated with friends, and connected with so many folx along the way.

As we enter our fourth year, we cannot help but look back in fondness on everything we have accomplished in years one and two. Our third year was just as wonderful and our most successful yet.

Looking back on the year, here are some moments that stood out.

The words “two years” are in bold capital letters and are dark blue, calm yellow, and maroon—around them are rectangular stripes of varying sizes in the same color.

Did Juno Fortifies Communicators for the Future

During this past year, we recognized the possibility of an even greater oppressive outcome in November. Now, we are here, and the only way out is through — together.

Our CEO was as a federal watchdog communicator during the first Trump presidency. They saw firsthand the challenges organizations faced. Now, they empower individuals and organizations in their ongoing fight for liberation.

Last year, they co-hosted twelve free trainings on communications best practices. This year, the Set Yourself Up series is starting the year by offering trainings to specifically fortify communicators for Trump's second term.

These next four years will be challenging. They will attempt to rob us of joy, fill us with dread, and make the fight for a better future feel futile. But, they cannot take our love for one another, our joy for the little things, and our ability to laugh. The struggles we face today have been fought before, and now it is our turn to overcome them again. They did endure alone then, and we cannot navigate this alone now. This is a time for inspired collaboration and unwavering community.

We are so thankful these last three years brought us into community with so many incredible people. We look forward to continuing this mission with you and meeting even more amazing folx in our steadfast journey toward progress.

Highlights from Year Three

⚖️ We built a website and created a process for advocates to connect and share resources to support youth rights.

📝 We edited public-facing language for websites, social, and documents for organizations to ensure narrative alignment and provided lists of corrections to phase out harmful language.

💻 We developed a brand and website that represents behavioral health and provides a collection of resources for community members across their state.

🏳️‍⚧️ We designed and wrote content for organizations working for social justice causes.

💭 We crafted launch plans, social media strategy, and comprehensive communication plans.

✨ We redesigned a website for a small business that helps nonprofits and other small businesses find resources to support their ongoing efforts.

🌿 We grew social media accounts and increased engagement to share information with empathetic and motivated people.

🧠 We trained well over 300 people during the first year of co-hosting and creating Set Yourself Up.

💬 We provided guidance to national experts on best communication practices.

🏳️‍🌈 We ensured that every effort and output was anti-racist, inclusive, and accessible and updated our team page.

What's Next?

Year four is going to be challenging — and the next four years will be too. But together, we will make it through.

In the meantime, we will continue working alongside change-makers, community builders, and activists. It won't be easy, but we've got this. And most importantly, we have each other.

Thank you for making this disabled and queer-owned small business possible. We could not exist without your support.

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